A true Christian lifestyle is a lifestyle to reflecting the reality of the scripture below

The Acts 24:15-16 (Common English Bible)

The hope I have in God I also share with my accusers, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.

 16. On account of this, I have committed myself to maintaining a clear conscience before God and with all people.

A true Christian lifestyle is to first of all be on the know that there will be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous thereafter to help pattern his or her life towards it.

A true Christian lifestyle is to commit oneself fully to the things of God and His kingdom with the aim of entering into God's bosom at resurrection.

A true Christian lifestyle is to live a blameless life all through the journey here on earth by the help of the Holy Spirit that dwells within.

A true Christian lifestyle is to maintain constant relationship with God at all times staying away from Satan and sins

A true Christian lifestyle is to live as written epistle to your world according to Apostle Paul. What it means is that when people around look at you, they should be seeing Jesus through you in all standard.

A true Christian lifestyle is a lifestyle of selflessness where you are completely sold out to God sacrificially; seeing all you have as received from God thereby seeing it not as a challenge to give when the needs arise.

A true Christian lifestyle is a lifestyle dieing hard to see souls saved into the kingdom of God haven known that there shall be resurrection.

A true Christian lifestyle is a lifestyle of constant studying of the scriptures and praying knowing that the days are evil

Lastly, a true Christian lifestyle is a lifestyle of selfless giving to humanity and blessing lives.

I pray God in His infinity mercy gives you understand in your spirit and mind through Jesus Christ name. Amen and Amen.

Remain ever blessed of God. SHALOM!


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